Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Hey guys. I hope everyone is awake and ready to start this day:)
I've received a couple of emails with a feedback from some of you who are very pleased with this program so far. We are only on week 4 and results are amazing. The pounds lost are between one and four and it's huge. Yay, i'm so happy:)  This is the first Summer Trim Down Series and It's already a huge success. I'm still in the process of figuring out the workouts and one of these days ( haha) i will make videos and descriptions for some of the workouts just like you guys requested. 
Some people are not happy that they only lost A pound or didn't loose anything. Well, to those who lost A pound, "any progress is still a progress, even if it's a slow one". Don't pay too much attention to the scale because you could have lost weight in inches and it won't appear on your scale. To those who didn't loose anything, you cheated somewhere:)). Did you know that Fitness is only 20% and Nutrition is 80%???
You can train all day every day but if you are eating crappy food, chances are you will stay the same or even gain weight. You MUST track everything that goes in your mouth. 'Eating Clean, Lean and Green' will bring you excellent results in the long run:) 

Today, we are working on our BACK and more Cardio. 
Cardio = Fat Burning. 
Fat Burning = Looking Great in Summer :)
Are you short on time this morning ? Rushing to work?
Here's the morning cardio for you! You don't even have to leave the house:)

AM: Cardio
Circuit 1:
30 sec Burpees
30 sec Mountain Climbers
30 sec Squat Jumps
30 sec Speed Skaters
30 sec Water Break
Circuit 2:
30 sec Jump Lunges
30 sec Plank Jacks
30 sec Butt Kicks
30 sec Box Jumps 
30 sec Water Break
Repeat 5 times for a total of 25 min workout

PM: Back Circuit

Lat Pull Down 15 reps
Tricep Dips 12 reps
Barbell Deadlift 15 reps
Push Ups with a Row 12 reps. Get 2 dumbbells in your hands, get in a push up position. Lower your body to the floor and pause, complete one push up. Go back to the starting position. Once you back in starting position, row one dumbbell on one side to your chest, pulling the dumbbell upwards, pause and lower dumbbells back down. Complete on another side.
Pull Ups 15 reps 
Seated Cable Rows 12 reps
Repeat 3 times

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